Minimum Training Criteria for UKTA Full Membership

Please Note: Any interested party with no thermography training or certification can become an Associate Member.

Training and/or certification to qualify for full Membership and Listing on "Find a Thermographer" includes one of the following:

i. Level/Cat 1, 2 or 3 training courses or certification to ISO, ASTN or PCN

ii. Specialised application training in specific disciplines meeting defined Minimum Standards.


Minimum Standards

i. Training Quality Criteria

i. Operated under an independently audited Quality Management System (eg to ISO 9001)

ii. Delivered as live training either in a classroom or online environment (where 2-way communication with a live trainer takes place throughout)

iii. Delivers a Syllabus, Agenda and Learning Objectives available for review by UKTA Committee

iv. As a minimum, the syllabus must include basic theory (heat transfer, radiosity) as well as application specific learning .

v. The syllabus must include practical hands-on exercises demonstrating camera handling competence

vi. Students must be assessed via closed book examination with defined pass criteria and marking independent from trainer

ii. Duration

i. Minimum duration 3 days or equivalent 24 hours aggregate.

iii. Traceability

i. All trainees must have their training record/certification and duration (5 years) maintained on a database by the Training Entity.

ii. The Training Entity must be able to demonstrate that training and certification records are compliant with Data Protection requirements.

iii. If requested by the UKTA committee, the Training Entity must respond within 14 days to validate a members certificate/qualification.


Available Training Courses

ScanTherm School of Thermography

Course Name: Applied Building Thermography

Duration: 3 days

Objective: Enable beginners or intermediates to develop understanding and core skills sufficient to start using thermal imaging in key building related diagnostic applications

Pre-Requisites: None. The course is for complete beginners as well as those with general thermography training e.g. Level 1 or Level 2 who wish to become proficient in building thermography.

Further Information: Phone 01732 364076 or Email



Equine Thermography Training

Course Name: Equine Thermal Imaging Technician Course.

This course is certified by the ITC (Infrared Training Center) who are a global thermal imaging training body. Successful completion results in an Equine Thermal Imaging Technician certificate and is a foundation course for the Equine Thermographers Course.

Duration: 4 days

Objective: Give the student a firm foundation in Infrared Science, camera handling and set up, patient and environment preparation, pattern recognition and basic report writing, to provide them with the tools to become a successful Equine Thermal Imaging Technician.

Pre-Requisites: Students need to have a good knowledge of equine anatomy and physiology and be computer literate.

Further Information: Phone 07876 716417 or Email


Course Name: Equine Thermographer Course.

This course is certified by the ITC (Infrared Training Center) who are a global thermal imaging training body. Successful completion results in an Equine Thermographer certificate.

Duration: 3 days

Objective: Build on the foundation of the technician course and equip the student with the knowledge and understanding to be able to interpret the images and write a more advanced report, providing them with the tools to become a successful Equine Thermographer.

Pre-Requisites: Successful completion of the Technician Course is a prerequisite of entry. This is the only course available that teaches students how to interpret their images.

Further Information: Phone 07876 716417 or Email

Training Bodies

If you are a training body and would like to be listed here, please contact UKTA on


To apply for UKTA membership, please click here

For more information contact:
UKTA, Selby Times Business Centre, 11 The Crescent, Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 4PD

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